About Us
The Noodoh House is the community of the Twitch channel of PanFREDNoodoh! This community has been said to be "the best restaurant on Twitch" serving up positivity and good vibes like a warm bowl of fresh noodles. The Noodoh House welcomes all AFOLs from those that are just curious about LEGO to expert builders! We pride ourselves on making sure the Twitch chat is non-toxic, a place that everyone is comfortable to ask any question or give feedback, and a great place to unapologetically be yourself. Streams typically feature a particular LEGO set being built live on stream and typically occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30pm PDT and on Sundays at 6pm PDT! Come hang out for your daily dose of fresh noodles, positive vibes, and LEGO!
Community Ambassador
Fred Nisperos
Group Type
RLFM (Fan Media)
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