About Us
RVA LUG, the Richmond Virginia LEGO® Users Group, is a group of AFOLs (adult fans of Lego) in the Richmond, Virginia area. Formerly known as RichLUG and originally founded in 2001, we continue to grow, adding more new members each year. We look forward to RVA LUG's future.
We meet about once a month to talk about what projects we're working on, official LUG business, and anything about Lego in general. We are focused on the hobby as a personal pursuit, as well as promoting to the public. We have showcased our creations at libraries, Lego Conventions, and have plans for much more. Our first independent event, RVA Brick Day! (Richmond Virginia LEGO Fan Festival), was launched in 2022. We also have an online forum where we keep up with LEGO news, share our MOCs, and collaborate on group projects together. If you're an AFOL in Virginia, we'd love to connect - you can find our discord server right here.
You can also see some of our work online, which has been blogged and published on various other websites. Our members have written for one of the biggest Lego blogs on the web, volunteered for FIRST LEGO League, and more. RVA LUG was also featured in issue #76 of Blocks Magazine.
You can find more examples of our work on Flickr, Instagram, or YouTube.
We find Lego fascinating. It's a fantastic art medium, which knows no age, time, language, or cultural limits. It encourages creativity: artistically and problem solving. It's quite amazing, really. There's a reason it's so popular all over the world.
Community Ambassador
Brian l RVA-LUG
Group Type
RLUG (User Group)
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